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Make sure visitors to Scotland have a fantastic experience and spread the word when they go back home.

What impact could you make?

Play a key role in showcasing Scotland to the world.
Use your skills to help visitors relax, have fun and take home memorable experiences from the amazing destinations they visit.
Work to expand one of Scotland's fastest growing industries and support local communities.
Scotland has a thriving tourism industry. It draws in people from all over the world. Working in tourism gets you actively involved in all kinds of different roles.NaomiTourist Guide, Mercat Tours

Tourism at a glance

There are many great tourism roles in high demand. The industry has the potential to improve relationships between nations. It also creates entertainment opportunities and experiences for tourists.

The work you do could lead to improved happiness, wellbeing and education.


In 2023, there were around 175,900 people employed in the tourism industry in Scotland. 

Job availability

Between 2023 to 2026, it's expected there will be 39,300 people needed to fill job openings in Scotland.

Job diversity

As of October 2023, 1,087 Modern Apprentices across Scotland training in tourism.

Things you may not know about tourism

In 2023, almost 4 million visits were made to Scotland by international visitors. And tourists spent more than £3.5 billion!

Source: Visit Scotland

UK residents made 12.6 million overnight trips to Scotland in 2023.

Source: Visit Scotland

The National Museum of Scotland was the country's most popular visitor attraction in 2022, racking up almost 2 million visitors.

Source: STV news

Leaders in tourism

Discover some of the organisations within tourism and how they’re making an impact on the industry.